
Optim+ helps increase profitability by giving cost visibility by products, intermediates and units
OPTIM+ is a dynamic platform designed to enhance profitability across industries by providing in-depth cost visibility, especially in relation to products, intermediates, and units. Its robust features include:
  • Flexible Cost Allocation: Allows for precise calculations and allocation of costs throughout the industry's value chain, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • Real-Time Cost Visibility: Offers real-time insights into production costs, enabling swift and informed decision-making for optimal operations.
  • Benchmarking Capabilities: Enables the comparison of products and manufacturing processes with similar industry standards, facilitating performance evaluation.
  • Analysis and Optimization: Conducts thorough spend analysis, pinpointing areas for improvement and cost-saving opportunities to enhance overall efficiency.
  • Improve Decision Making: Empowers decision-makers at all levels with comprehensive data, ensuring better execution and strategic planning.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Performs detailed RCA to identify and address factors impacting production costs, leading to targeted improvements.
  • Margin Calculations: Provides accurate margin calculations at both stream and unit levels, delivering crucial financial insights.
  • Pricing Strategy: Offers an edge in determining prices for both existing and new products, ensuring competitiveness and profitability.
  • Comprehensive Data Insights: Delivers comprehensive insights and reporting through intuitive dashboards, simplifying complex data for actionable decision-making.
  • OPTIM+ stands as a powerful tool, equipping industries with the means to effectively manage costs, optimize operations, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately driving profitability and success.